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English (1)
1Author:  Tylor, Edward Burnett, 1832-1917
 Anthropologist. Worker in family brass-foundry, 1848-1855; independent travel, research and writing, 1855-1883; keeper, Oxford University Museum, 1883-1884; reader in anthropology, Oxford University, 1884-1896, professor, 1896-1909, emeritus professor, 1909-1917 

 Title:  Correspondence between Edward Tylor and Franz Boas     
 Type:  Text items 
 Format:  Correspondence 
 Language:  English 
 Dates:  15 August 1888 - 8 March 1908 
 Extent:  29 letters 
 Abstract:  29 letters (25 to Boas, 4 to Tylor). BAAS Northwest Coast Tribes Committee; Northwest coast material culture collections; Northwest coast fieldwork; anthropology teaching at Oxford; Eskimo ethnography; research support by BAAS and Canadian government 
 Source:  Franz Boas Papers (B B61) 
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 Subjects:  Cultural description and analysis, social organization and structure, ceremonial behavior, material culture | Anthropological and archaeological fieldwork | Folklore, mythology, religion | Linguistics and philology | Museums -- Development, operation, and collections | Financial support for research and publication